
Posts Tagged ‘Idea’

One Big Idea – How to get there?

In Uncategorized on July 26, 2009 at 4:33 pm

One idea can change your life – can change the lives of many – but how do you reach there? You need to know your Mind well to arrive at that one idea. Many a times I feel I am a stranger to my own Mind. All we need to do is to find one critical problem that we want to solve. Proceed to answer the Why, What, When, Where, How and also why not, what not …Now the problem is clearly posed to the Mind. Allow the subconcious Mind to work on this problem for a while by engaging the concious Mind in other activities. Suddenly you will find a fresh insight that comes from within & you will be able to build it up into your one great Idea. The lives of many Inventors & Scientists like Tesla, Faraday, Kekule reveals this subtle aspect of the Ideaing process.

I have coined the word Ideaing as Ideation sounds a little too formal to me. Ideaing sounds more friendly and cool to me.

Idea is Life !

In Uncategorized on July 21, 2009 at 10:43 am

Take up one idea. Make that one Idea your life – think of it, dream of it and live the Idea (Vivekananda).

If you have to take up just one idea – what would that be? What it would be like to live with that one Idea.

People use many different metaphors for Idea – sharing an idea, selling an idea, hot idea, cool idea, borrowed idea, breakthrough idea …

But the Metaphor – Idea is Life – takes Idea to a new dimension. If Idea is life then Ahimsa is not killing other Ideas.

Does Idea go through four stages of life – Brahmacharya (Learning), Grihastha (Living), Vanaprastha (Loving) & Sannyasa (Leaving)?